List of Place Name in Probolinggo Tourism - Probolinggo is one place or area that has several tourist attractions that are still worth to visit the scenery so exciting. If you are planning to take a vacation to visit places that are around Probolinggo, Probolinggo not going to be disappointed especially has has been known tourist in the eyes of foreign and local tourists namely
Mount Bromo. Alright, we just to the subject.
List of Place Name in Probolinggo Tourism
- Madakaripura Waterfall
- Mount Bromo
- Ranu Kumbolo
- Ranu Pani
- Arum Jeram Pekalen ( Rafting Noars )
- Bentar Beach
- Tourism Mangrove ( BJBR )

Additionally you can also enjoy a tour around BJBR, from here you can perform various activities with those nearest and your beloved family. List of tourist attractions in Probolinggo is widely known that, both local tourists and international travelers is Mount Bromo, from these places, you can feel a different sensation than in other tourist attractions that exist around the Probolinggo.
Actually a lot of attractions that are very famous and popular around Probolinggo, only a few places that we can convey to you. If you want to spend the holidays in Malang or Mount Bromo do not forget to stop by in Probolinggo, because that way you can spend vacation time very impressive and certainly different from other tourist attractions that exist around East Java.
We think enough so that we can say to you, if amongst you ever been to one of the places we review the above
List of Place Name in Probolinggo Tourism please comment or share your thoughts in a column that has been provided below.